
Logitech Cordless Keyboard on FeistyFawn

Keyboard Merk Logitech PN 920-000065 (combo Keybord+mice) cordless@90 model Y-RA-J56A. Klaim Logitech "menyakitkan" ini dia : In order to help you to improve your productivity, we have provided a list of the most commonly used shortcuts. These shortcuts are Microsoft Windows applications based and may not work with other applications. You can find a longer list of these short on the Microsoft web site. Khusus untuk shorcutnya : Tombol yang bekerja dengan baik (lihat gambar) : Play/Pause untuk Movie Player, Mute, Volume (menambah mengurangi volume), Favorite, E-mail, www semua berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Artinya ketika mencet tombol bertanda E-mail, default email client membuka, begitu pula untuk yang lain.

Untuk Open Office
Semua shortcut dibawah ini berfungsi dengan benar, kecuali Ctrl +C

Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Wheel
Zoom in or out. It changes the % in the zoom drop down menu.

Ctrl + C [Tidak Berfungsi]
Copy, places the selected/highlighted copy on the clipboard.

Ctrl + X
Cut, removes the selected/highlighted copy and places it on the clipboard.

Ctrl + V
Paste, inserts the copy on the clipboard into the area where your flashing cursor is positioned or the area you have selected/highlighted.

Ctrl + Z
Undo last command.

Ctrl + Y
Redo last command.

Ctrl + O
Open, brings up a browse dialog and allows you to select a file to open.

Ctrl + P
Brings up the Print window.

Ctrl + N
Creates a new blank document.

Ctrl + A
Selects all the text and items in the page.

Ctrl + S
Saves the file.

Ctrl + F
Brings up the Find and Replace window.

Ctrl + B
Makes your text bold.

Ctrl + I
Makes your text italic.

Ctrl + U
Makes the text underlined.

Web Browser (Firefox)

Ctrl + F
Displays a Find on the page dialog box and allows you to search content on the page you are viewing in your browser. This is a nice feature if you are searching for a specific reference on the page.

Ctrl + N
Opens a new window in Internet Explorer.

Ctrl + W
Closes the currently open Internet Explorer window.

Go Back to the previous page.

Shift + Click
While clicking on a hyperlink on a web page, opens that link in a new browser window.

Space Bar
Scroll Downward.

Space Bar + Shift [TIDAK BERFUNGSI]
Scroll Upward. You can also use the Page Down or Page Up keys.

Go to End of page.

Go to Top of page.

In combination with the Start key
Semua Kombinasi dibawah ini TIDAK BERFUNGSI, kalau maksud tombol start adalah yg bergambar logo ms win.

Start key + E
Opens an instance of Windows Explorer, centered on "My Computer."

Start key + F
Opens the "Find Files or Folders" dialog box.

Start key + Ctrl + F
Opens the "Find Computer" dialog box.

Start key + M
Minimizes all open windows.

Start key + Shift + M
Undo the "minimize all" function (re-open all current windows).

Start key + R
Opens the "Run" dialog box.

Start key + Pause
Opens the system properties panel.

Mungkin harus dikoprek lagi ya. Tapi entahlah, semua hal diatas berfungsi tanpa dikoprek sama sekali.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous04:27

    Coba bos di modif lagi kaya seperti tombol Spacebar jadi Enter lalu pindahin ALT jadi ke Shift dsb. Mayan tuh klo suka tantangan hehehehe :P


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